About me

Hello! My name is Terry Ohannah, I'm a self-taught front-end developer
living in sunny Nairobi, Kenya.

a cool typewriter

I'm the one you'd like to work with

I’m a hard working and dedicated person with a determination to deliver the very highest quality. I take great pride in my work, and I always try to better myself with every project I work on.

I like to dream more, learn more and become more.

Since I wrote my first 'hello world' in HTML, I have gained experience in:

  • Building Front-End Web Applications ( HTML, JavaScript ES6, React, Next.js, Vue)
  • Applying various CSS solutions( Styled-components, Tailwind CSS, Sass, CSS modules)
  • Building Back-End database(MongoDB, Firebase)
  • Interacting with database(REST APIs, Apollo GraphQL )
  • Version Control tools(Git, Github)

I’m also a fast learner, able to pick up new skills and juggle different projects with relative ease.

The following are things I'm planning to learn this year:

  • TypeScript
  • Testing
a cool rocket
a cool mailbox

I'm always open to job opportunities and new connections.

Shoot me over an email, have a look at my resume, or just talk with me!